Monday, August 17, 2015

Sunrise Bank

In an economy driven by appetite for success, Sunrise Bank Limited is "Rising to Serve" by defining new levels of services and products. As a bank founded by reputed entrepreneurs, we understand the needs of a growing economy and are well equipped to serve them.
Our team of seasoned banking and management professionals have dedicated themselves to establishing an institution determined to cater to the needs of all, be it big or small. Your aspirations are our benchmarks and we will always be "Rising to Serve".


Continuous Offering of tailor made banking services to all levels of society, with no constraint on time, location, size of transaction and all aspirations.


To continuously expand Bank's operation in systematic manner
To become a major innovative Bank and provide top of the line services
To build an HR team that continuously supplements the growth of the organization
To be vigilant to the evolving economy and align our operations accordingly

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